I can't print my letters. What do I do?

Try these steps:

  1. Log in to your Vote Forward account and go to your dashboard. The link is on the homepage. If you haven’t already, "adopt" a batch of voters.
  2. Look for the blue “Download and print these letters” button on your dashboard, which will download a PDF file of letter templates to your computer.
  3. Find that PDF file. Each computer system is different, but it’s often in a folder called “Downloads,” or it may appear automatically. (The filename will be something like 2021-10-16-votefwd-letters-batch-of-20.pdf, though with today’s date.)
  4. Print the PDF the same way you would print any other file. Voter names and addresses are at the bottom of each letter template. A cover page with a Voter List you can use as a checklist will print too.
  5. Mark these voters' letters "prepared" on your dashboard, using the gray "Finished? Mark all letters are prepared" button" before adopting more voters.

If this doesn't work, log out of Vote Forward and then log in again to kick off a new session before trying to download and print again.

Full how-to instructions can be found here.